Introducing BuzzBeat, our free cloud based inbound marketing and sales solution. BuzzBeat helps you attract web visitors, convert those visitors to sales leads, and ultimately turn those leads into customers.
Why is it free? BuzzBeat is essential to proving OUR worth as your marketing agency.
Cancel your Constant Contact subscription (there, we just found you $1,200). Stop paying for expensive HubSpot. BuzzBeat is packed with all the features that boost productivity, and make the sales process as friendly as possible.
With BuzzBeat...
Set-up and generate all your email blasts, web analytics, paid digital ads, promotions and offers all in one place.
Learn who is visiting your web, reading emails sent out and how your marketing campaigns are working instantaneously.
Use the free system as your sales pipeline manager. Our system facilitates marketing qualified leads to your sales team within the system and right to their email for follow-up.
Create real-time sales pipeline reports and track ROI.
We don’t limit the number of BuzzBeat users at your company. Everyone has access and training is included.